
A CALL FOR VOICES. If you would like to share your story, please email it to admin@empowerteens.com. Share your experience, strength and hope.

April 3, 2012 – A group of Ashland High School students get a crash course in teen victimization, from a woman who knows what it’s like to be a ‘throwaway teen’.
Video Link – Interview with Dawn Schiller, KOBI TV

November 4, 2010 – “Oregon woman recounts the Wonderland murders” – KOIN News

August 12, 2010 – “The Road Through Wonderland” review – VC Reporter

August 10, 2010 – Dawn Schiller discusses “The Road Through Wonderland” – Denver Westword Blogs

July 22, 2010 – Dawn talks about her experiences and ESTEAM in this interview with Dresser After Dark (click link to listen)


Sara was only 16 years old when she killed her pimp who had sexually enslaved her since the age of 13.
When Sara met G.G., the 31-year-old man who would become her pimp, she was 11.
Sara’s mom struggled with drug addiction.


BTC recently had the chance to interview survivors of abuse. Listen to their stories, get the facts and find out how you can help stop teen dating violence.

Please sign the California Against Slavery ballot initiative a thttp://californiaagainstslavery.org to strengthen human trafficking laws.

Please Note: If you are 18 years of age or under and you post a messsage on this web site talking about physical, emotional or sexual abuse that has happened or is happening to you – or to another person under 18 – we will have to report this abuse to law enforcement and/or DHS – Child Welfare.  Several of us are mandatory reporters – teachers, lawyers – and we have no choice.  We are not trying to stop you reaching out – we just want to warn you and let you know that we are here to help, but if we listen and hear about on-going child abuse, we will have to report in order to stop it.  Of course, we can only report what we know.

In Oregon, “child abuse” inclides any non-accidental physical injury to a child, any mental injury that causes observable & substantial impairment of the child’s mental or psychological ability to function, neglect of a child, sexual abuse & exploitation.


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